Thursday, February 11, 2010

Oh my Dior.

It's been a long time since I last edit this blog. Any-hoo, it feels good to be back on the track.
It's already February and soon to be March [ the month I've been waiting for since a long time ] which also turn out to be the first Internal Assessment. The topics were already put on the board and I'm completely aware of that.

Well, I need to start the engine and drill myself to be loyal to the book now, since the portion is quite 'amazing' I shall say. 4 subjects to be covered and hopefully I'll get through it perfectly. Meanwhile, there's I also like to share a review of a Malay movie which was in theater back there in Malaysia last November. Pisau Cukur. Ohhh-Emm-gee! It's like super cool even though the set and story like was so stupid, but the humor in it make me laugh as hell okayy!

Can you believe it they even use the word like, 'Oh my Dior, Oh my Gucci' instead of Oh my goodness. And 1 mpre thing, when people ask your ambition [ in Malaysian understanding, it would be what you wanted to be when you grow up] and she answered ' Saya nak kahwin dengan Tan Sri, cikgu.....Kalau tak ada, Datuk pon boleh'. That is hilarious non?

Ok, on the other hand, earlier I've mention that I've been waiting for March like so long before right? It's for the vacation that I've planned. I can't wait for the time to come. Furthermore, instead of 1 country, now it's going to be 2 country.La France, ici je viens !

Oh , I shall wait, and better get my butt on the chair and study now!


1 comment:

Katherine said...

ouh have fun in france - it really is fabulous. all the great shopping will make you go broke - or at least want to. my first time i was scared to spend, my second time i spent so much my credit card company shut my credit card off!

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