Recently, SDAR Symphonic Band won the 1st runner up in the Festival Wind Orchestra SBP & Cluster School 2009, yet the boys weren't happy not that they not thankful, but sad because they really work hard and wanted to win so badly. I cried that we lost to TKC (Tunku Kurshiah College)with the repertoire ' Disney Festival'.
In the competition, SDAR Symphonic Band played a repertoire by Franco Cesarini, 'Bulgarian Dances Op. 35'. I would say the 'Bulgarian Dances' is harder than Disney Festival with the time signature of 7/8, 5/11, but the luck wasn't SDAR's. On top of that, Syahmi Izzat,who was expected to be the best conductor also lost to TKC's conductor, Hamizah.
I was touched that, when i read my sensei's blog about how sad was the fivers, tears drop down my cheek. How sincere the fivers are. They really wanted to win to let the juniors feel the feeling of a winner. To fulfil the dream of the exboy whose been waiting to win the trophy so badly years after years. How they really wanted to win to make he school proud of them and be visible to eyes of the school admin and wanted to be respected in school.

before the show starts
All i can say to the juniors, if you guys are reading this, be strong. We can prove that SDAR Symphonic Band will win the trophy once upon a time. I promise that you guys will do your best and keep up he good work so that we will be the winner next year. Once we fail, we will keep on trying and that's what SDARians do. This is just the beginning of your journey and to all fivers, work hard in your academic as well and don't forget to come to SDAR once you are exboy.

during the performance
Special thanks to all exboy who came to give the morale support and helped direc
tly or indirectly in term of funds, time consumption and energy in order to give the full support to the band. Hopefully, in the upcoming years, there will be more supporter from exboy and we can establish our exboy band to help them.

on the stage
Last but not least, to our beloved instructor, Raja Muzafar (Abg Raja) for the hard work of teaching the SDAR Symphonic Band and make them in the track again after a drastic defeat last year. You are the hero for the band and all the hard work you've done, there's nothing worth to compare with. You energy, time and money and all whatever you did for the band, we really appreciate it and you'll be the instructor forever. I won't let you go whatever it is, because Kotok and i work really hard to make you teach SDAR.

faris danial playing Chimes
Tahniah kepada SC! Ada video tak? Please email me at okay???
everything is in youtube dear~
kozac oh kozac
'yet the boys weren't happy not that they not thankful, but sad because they really work hard and wanted to win so badly'
u guys SHOULD bersyukur. here's the thing in competitions. if u feel that u've worked hard enuff, and want to win badly, ur opponents might work hard enuff, want to win badly enuff as well, or even more (in general lah)
competition. win or lose is not really important. as long as u've tried ur best =)
and when u expected syahmi to win best conductor, other ppl might've expected tkc to win it as well
and u shuld know jugak that song choice is vital.
jangan la sedih2 kozac, nanti ur juniors lagi la sedih. aiyo. make them feel better X)
congrats SDAR!=)
idop nogori!:P
thanks fiqss, i know, in fact my juniors yg comfort me that day anyways..heheh
and yeah,
but i wanna say sorry if i make any wrong statement that halley is so angry about.
anyways it's kinda cool kan negeri sembilan school win 1st n 2nd.
in fact they'll make a show in front of MB kot.
thnks again and congratz to tkc also~
haih..ngadu kat fiqss ke?apapela..see..fiqss pun ckp..kalah or mng xpenting as long as u njoy..musicians work together..bersyukurla dgn ape yg Allah bg...cube kalau die xbg..ape nk ckp?? i noe asal la banderz nh smua rpt..tgk u n nizar n effa n all da gle.....bgos la!!! trharu!!
miley;the climb!!!!!!
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