Friday, November 20, 2009



Its almost december already and my posting to Mahaveer Jain hospital will be started on the 1st of December 2009 and that's the good news announced by Dr. Pandit. On the other hand, there's also bad news which is there will be NO HOLIDAY for us this fine winter. I other words, our winter break are cancelled due t some circumstances that we need to catch up with the other classes.

In addition, in that hospital also, we are strictly cannot bring any non-veg food even egg, which they all are strict vegan. *sigh*

But, anyways, i'm still happy, but pity some of my friends, some of them already booked their tickets going back to Malaysia and some of them are going to Agra, Goa and many other places. Lucky me that i don't have any plan to go any vacation.

Finally, i'm looking forward for the posting and our clinical classes are also almost finished. Hopefully we also have the opportunity to enter the OT like Sindhi Hospital students. =)



Anonymous said...

hey funky blog...i mean the header and the content...honestly speaking i couldnt relate the ame of the blog with anything on this blog until the header image was loaded fully :P

still...Pink polka dots?? :D :D

something @ d topic: Jains are not only veg...i think u ll b surprised to know that they even avoid potatoes, onions and garlic like stuff which grow under earth...

kher...i myself dun know much about ll end here..enjoy ur stay in India..

waise...was wondering how did ur eid go...i man...being away from ghar..kher..belated eid mubaraq too :)

hilariouskozac said...

I simply put that header is due to my pasion toward those stuff like fashion. Luggage represent that I' away from Malaysia.

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