Every year, Diwali been celebrated by all the Indians all around the globe and it does include India obviously. Well, it's my experience that i've been here in India or almost a year and 2nd Diwali in India.
What i found it interesting was, celebrating in India,which differ from Malaysia was, here they celebrated Diwali with all the firecrackers and all. What our batch did was, they bought RS4000 (nearly Rm300) of fire crackers just to create the feel of the celebration. It also became more interesting when all the juniors (baby juniors) had the fun together to join us at the rooftop C block for the celebration. Note, that there also some of the baby juniors were my friends too. Happy that they were here as part of IMS. May Azam,Ijat and Meno having fun with all the things in India.
I would say it's happening and abso-fu**ing-lutely cool..hehe =)
Too bad that i didn't have the feeling of bring my little cute camera, but don't worry there's some of the photos my friends snapped. Definitely i'll upload it here.

Baby juniors having fun


And one more, to all the juniors, don't be shy with us. If super junior can mingle around with seniors and super seniors, why not you guys, right? So, let's make Bangalore community as a family!
hoii! curi gambar aku ke?
wow...ur having sooo much fun!! hahaha...glad to hear dat..=P
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