Thursday, January 8, 2009

Ayam Masak Merah

well this is for Nia.

Ayam Masak Merah my mum's style.

All you need.
- chilli + onion + garlic + lemongrass blended all together (add some belacan if available)
- Chicken half cooked (fried)
- Air Asam Jawa
- Oil

- let the oil boiled and then cook the blended materials until it is cooked.
- it is said to be cooked when its become oily and the oil turns to red.
- pour in some air asam to make it watery.
- put a pinch of salt.
- then mixed it up and then put in the chicken.
- let it cook all together.
- later on, put in some more Air asam jawa. (if it's too spicy)
- have a taste,if its too sour, put in some sugar.
- let it cook for a while, then turn off the stove.

it's now ready to be eaten with rice.

p/s: i learn to cook not based on the method but more to practicals. so not to follow exact method or else u'll find it taste badly and spicy. so, u'll have o budget everything according to your own expectation.


Emma Homestay Bandar Tasik Puteri said...

lemon grass, blacan and air asam jawa? OMG totally have to try these ingreadients cos i never use them before in my ayam msak merah!

NiazurulSyazwanSaarani said...

wow! thanx kozac..hope te recepi will help to survive in NZ soon..

Anonymous said...

yup2...she's my sister..but she's not working in msu anymore..she's working in uia now

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