Sunday, April 5, 2009

Who's Pinocchio?

HAHA. Interesting.
People must be talking bout this blog lately ryte?
Why don't we all STOP TALKING about it, plus what he/she wrote wasn't pleasant at all, i guess. So, let's IGNORE IT.

Ok fine, i think what the person wrote, some of it make sense, but doesn't have to be that way. At least be a bit polite instead of being sarcastic, which most of us here hate it. I hate sarcasm, sorry but what can i do, it's nature.

The more we talk, the more he/she wrote. And i think people who did this must badly want to be famous of people talking bout this. He/She must be happy when this blog is being exposed and being a topic of a day. I bet Monday's dissection hall will be no ABSENTEEs as people grasping to know who is PINOCCHIO. Welcome Monday!

So, why don't we stop talking and pretend like he/she is nobody and just wait and see he/she reveal him/her self afterhe/she gets tired and boring when people is not talking about the blog anymore. SSSHHHHH................................

P/S: I'm not afraid to be the subject in his blog because i don't give a damn. But, doesn't mean i don't read. Just wait and see..

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